Kristen Yarker Website


The Challenge

Kristen Yarker is a knowledgable dietitian with tons of experience in her field. She was having trouble attracting new clients with her outdated WordPress website, and came to us seeking a modern redesign to freshen up her online image and rank higher on Google for local searches.

Our Approach

We took the content from Kristen’s old website, tidied it up just a little, and re-formatted it into a sleek new site on the SquareSpace platform where she can easily update her content or publish a new blog post or recipe. We also set Kristen up with back-end E-Commerce so she can seamlessly charge for her services online.

The Result

Within a couple of months after launching the new website, Kristen reported a dramatic increase in website traffic and random inquiries, and nowadays, Kristen consistently ranks in the top 3 Google results for local searches in her field.